Letno znanstveno srečanje BVDA 2018
Vabljeni na letno znanstveno srečanje BVDA (British Veterinary Dental Association), ki bo v sredo, 4. aprila 2018 Birmingham, Velika Britanija - The Lodges, Austin Court, 80 Cambridge Street, Birmingham, B1 2NP. Ponudba zajema vrsto zanimivih praktičnih nasvetov. Pozdravni nagovor bo predsednika Alexa Smithsona BVM&S BDS (Hons) MRCVS, ki bo pozdravil vse udeležence.
8.30 – 9.00 Registration
9.00 – 9.50 Dr Peter Southerden BVSc MBA DipEVDC MRCVS: Feline Cranio-Maxillofacial Trauma
9.50 – 10.40 Dr Ruslander DiplACVIMDiplACVR: Oral Oncology
10.40 – 11.10 Tea Break and Exhibition
11.10 – 12.00 Dr Mattoon. DVM DiplACVR: Imaging of the Head for Oral and Maxillofacial Cases
12.00 – 12.30 Sponsor thanks. BVDA AGM (this will close at 12.30)
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch in Brindley Place
13.30 – 14.30 Dr Jerzy Gawor: Application of CBCT in Veterinary Dentistry
14.30 – 15.20 Dr Peter Southerden BVSc MBA DipEVDC MRCVS: Case Presentations: - A new technique for repairing caudal jaw fractures in cats. Jaw reconstruction following resection in a dog.
15.20 – 15.50 Tea Break and Exhibition
15.50 – 16.40 Dr Vittorio Capello DVM DipECZM DiplABVP: Diagnosis and Treatment of Challenging Abscesses of the Mandible in Pet Rabbits
16.40 – 17.30 Dr Vittorio Capello DVM DipECZM DiplABVP: Diagnosis and Treatment of challenging Abscesses of the Maxilla in Pet Rabbits
17.30 CLOSE
Booking: Please email Treasurer: helen.hyde@ntlworld.com Join BVDA for reduced rates!
Cost before 4th April 2018
- BVDA Member £70
- Non-Member £85
- Students and VNs £40
Payable by cheque, Card or PayPal by contacting helen.hyde@ntlworld.com
Cost includes lectures, supporting material, refreshments and lunch.
****** Registration on the day will be £90 all categories**********
Open to Veterinary Surgeons, Dentists, students and Nurses.