39. national congress

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Hungarian Small Animal Veterinary Association, (HSAVA), invite you to the 39th national congress 12-14th October, 2018 University of Veterinary Science Budapest, Hungary


12nd October, 2018- Friday, Obstetric Hall
 8.00- 9.00  Registration
 9.00.- 9.45 Congenital hypothyroidism in cats, Susan Little, DABVP (Canada)
 9.45-10.30 Upper respiratory tract disease cats, Susan Little, DABVP
10.30-11.15 coffeebreak
11.15-12.00 Pancreatitis –cats are not dogs, Susan Little, DABVP
12.00-12.45 Gastric and oesophageal diseases in cats, Susan Little, DABVP
12.45-14.00 lunch
14.00-14.50 Metabolic shock, Tim Hackett, DACVECC,(Colorado State Univ., USA)
14.50-15.35 Monitoring the critical patient, Tim Hackett, DACVECC
15.35-16.05 cofeebreak
16.05-16.55 Coagulopathy in the trauma patient, Tim Hackett, DACVECC
16.55-17.40 Urogenital emergencies, Tim Hackett, DACVECC

13rd October, 2018- Saturday, Main hall
 8.30- 9.15 Update on testing cats for FeLV and FIV, Susan Little, DABVP (Canada)
 9.15-10.00 FIP: where we stand with diagnosis and treatment, Susan Little, DABVP
10.00-10.45 coffeebreak
10.45-11.30 Approach to the cat with chronic diarrhea, Susan Little, DABVP
11.30-12.15 Approach to the vomiting cat, Susan Little, DABVP
12.15-14.00 lunch
14.00-14.45 Autologous micro-fragmented adipose tissue and its derived mesenchymal stromal cells in dogs with osteoarthritis – safety, feasibility and clinical outcome, Offer Zeira (Olaszország)
14.45-15.30 A húgykövesség kezelésének aktuális kérdései - Új lehetőségek és irányelvek, Bende Balázs
15.30-16.15 coffeebreak
16.15-17.00 Treating shock-Part 1., Tim Hackett, DACVECC,(Colorado State Univ., USA)
17.00-17.45 Treating shock-Part 2., Tim Hackett, DACVECC

14th October- Sunday, Main Hall
 8.30- 9.15 Optimizing healthcare for senior cats, Susan Little, DABVP
 9.00- 9.45 Managing anorexia in hospitalized cats, Susan Little, DABVP
10.00-10.45 coffeebreak
10.45-11.30 Emergency Triage, Tim Hackett, DACVECC,
11.30-12.15 Small Animal Trauma, Tim Hackett, DACVECC,
12.15-14.00 lunch
14.00-14.30 Tolnagro
14.30-15.20 Parvo Update, Tim Hackett, DACVECC,
15.20-15.50 coffeebreak
15.50-16.40 Necrotizing soft tissue infefctions and newer epidemics: MRSA and MRSP, Tim Hackett, DACVECC


1, Regisitration fee for foreigner visitors
Friday or Saturday: 50 EURO
Friday and Saturday: 80 EURO
Friday and Saturday and Sunday: 100 EURO

2, Venue
Main Hall, University of Veterinary Science, Budapest,
VII. district, István u. 2.

3, registration: Please send an e mail including your name, country to this address: ferenc.biro.dr@gmail.com
The registration fee should be paid in the congress in cash.

4, Accomodation- suggested hotel
Best Western Hotel Hungaria
Budapest, VII. district, Rákóczi út 90.

5, meals, coffee: The lunch (coffee) can be available in the restaurant (buffet) of the university on own charge.


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